Wednesday, November 21, 2007

While Scientists and Theorists busy themselves seeking to “discover” not only the meaning of life, but, why we’re all here to begin with…God has been revealing Himself to the world.

People blame Him for famine and poverty, death and destruction, sorrow and heartache. The fact of the matter is He created all life. And yes, He can “control” any and all circumstances. But, we need to understand “stuff” can just happen.

“Why doesn’t He ‘just stop’ it?” Great question. I am not God so I don’t have the answer for that. But, I do have the answer for those “that are searching.” In all of God’s revealing, He sent Jesus.

Jesus, is God’s Son, who died on the cross for your sins. All you need to do to have a relationship with Him is…to ask. Believe that He can save you, confess your sins to Him, and accept His gift of salvation. That’s it.

If you’re looking for a Savior, One who can secure your future life, and guide you into better choices while you’re here; it’s time you look to the person of Jesus Christ. A man who was uniquely human, but fully, God. A man who can help you in whatever you’re lacking and needing. Providing for you a purpose for living, through His dying…on the cross for your sins.

So you’ve got questions. Maybe a comment. So take a minute to leave them. If you want, someone can get back to you. Just leave your information. Or email us:

© LFFT/A. Miller

Saturday, November 10, 2007